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Facilities Management Building
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-3172


Facilities Management Building
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-3172

Information for Departments

Departments are responsible for requesting price quotes from at least 2 suppliers when the estimated value of the purchase is between $2500 and $10,000.  Competitive bidding for purchases between $10,000 and $50,000 is required.  Purchasing will request at least three (3) competitive bids or quotes. Procurement transactions in this category must be processed by Purchasing.  For purchases above $50,000 the 采购部门 shall follow formal sealed bidding procedures.

If an item or items can be obtained under an existing competitively bid cooperative contract, 联合体协议, or OU contract the purchase may be made without obtaining additional competitive bids or quotes.  Purchasing Policy containing bid thresholds can be found at the following link: Procurement Policy #1000

注意: Exhibit 1 to Procurement Policy #1000 - Delegation to Contracting Authority Authorization has been updated.

The Purchasing team will post formal solicitations on the OU 报价的机会 一页又一页 the Michigan Intergovernmental Trade Network (MITN采购组).  Once responses are received, it is the responsibility of Purchasing to award the purchase order or contract to the most qualified, 响应, 负责任的买家. Purchasing may consider factors other than price. If you have questions about a particular solicitation, please contact the OU Purchasing Dept.

If you have any questions or concerns about the accessibility of the content or 医生uments on this page, 请浏览我们的 Public Accessibility Statement.

软件 Renewal Process

Any software NOT listed on the PCard Approved 软件 page requires the following steps in order to purchase:

A requisition sent to Purchasing with:  

  • 科技大学检讨(软件 & Hosted Solution Purchasing Checklist)
  • A Certificate of Insurance - review Exhibit C Policy 1050 to determine appropriate requirements 
  • Competitive quotes (as applicable by Policy 1000 bidding thresholds)


  • Annual software renewals still require a software form and review.
  • Purchase orders are required for all non-Pcard approved software purchases
  • For multi-year agreements attach the original signed agreement to the requisition when sending to Purchasing