

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482



授权机构:财务副总裁 & 政府

理由是: The following policy is intended to ensure 十大菠菜台子 maintains a high level of security, and to provide notification to the University community of the appropriate procedure to obtain, 处理, 传送和返回密钥.


I.  关键控制职责

  1. 营运总监, the Operations and Maintenance / Key Control Officer is responsible for:
  1. Adherence to current key control policies and recommendations for their improvement;

  2. Maintenance of lost key records in consultation with Facilities Management and 十大菠菜台子 Police;

  3. 密钥分发文件的维护;

  4. 联系钥匙控制人员, 以书面形式, 当钥匙丢失或被盗,并确定, 与署长协商, 这些锁是否应该重新编码. Sensitive locations containing high value property should be brought to the attention of the Director of Plant Maintenance;

  5. 批准所有复制/更换锁和/或钥匙的请求;

  6. Locksmith services are provided via the work order system and Key Request Cards;

  7. 维护中央锁位置文件;

  8. Upon receipt and proper approval of Key Request Cards, allow duplication and issuance of keys;

  9. 与相应的部门主管协调所有的重键工作.
  1. 部门主管或授权代表负责:
  1. Authorizing the issuance of keys to departmental staff on a necessity 只有 basis. 学生 不得 be issued keys to buildings or offices for access outside of business hours, unless circumstances dictate prior written authorization of the department head. If a student is given a key it should be obtained from the supervisor at the beginning of the workday and returned to the supervisor before termination of the workday. 学生在下班后独自学习, 带键访问, 必须 possess the written authorization of the appropriate department head, and make it available to the 十大菠菜台子 Police Department upon request.

  2. 确保密钥只传递给授权的个人.

  3. Obtaining all University keys from employees who are transferring to another department or terminating their employment; and returning those keys to the Key Shop for reassignment to authorized holders. 当钥匙被重新分配给另一个员工时,新的钥匙卡 必须 be filled out and submitted to the Work Control Center; indicating from whom the keys were transferred.

  4. Notifying the Key Shop of key holders who are no longer employees of the department. 钥匙的重新分配只能通过钥匙控制人员进行.

  5. Reporting lost or stolen keys to 十大菠菜台子 Police and Work Control Center.
  1. 密钥持有者负责
  1. 提交密钥请求卡(参见 附录A)给他们的部门主管.

  2. 始终保持密钥的物理安全性. 允许临时转让或借用钥匙 只有 有适当的部门主管授权.

  3. 确保钥匙是 没有在校外网站复制.

  4. Immediately reporting the loss or theft of a key to their supervisor and 十大菠菜台子 Police.

  5. Verifying individuals are authorized before allowing them access to University buildings or rooms.

  6. Returning keys to their department head or authorized department representative, 被大学开除或转到其他院系.

适用范围及适用性: This policy is applicable to all faculty and staff of 十大菠菜台子 who are requesting locksmith/key services.

定义: 没有一个


I.  The Human 资源 Department shall provide immediate written notification of all personnel transfers and terminations of employment to the Key Control Officer. 

II.  信息技术网络壁橱和电脑室

1.  Requests for information technology network closets and computer room keys shall be directed to the Chief Information Officer, 大学科技服务. 

3.  通用教室关键要求

1.  Requests for general-purpose classroom keys shall be directed to the Classroom Support/Technology Services Department. 

IV.  对高度安全区域的特殊要求

1.  Departments requesting high security locks ("X" cores) 必须 justify the need 以书面形式.  The academic dean, or department head, and the divisional vice president 必须 support the request.  支持的请求必须转发给关键控制人员, who with the Chief of Police will make the final determination of the request. The cost associated with the lock service will be charged to the requesting department. "X" cores may be placed within spaces protected by electronic security control systems. "X" lock areas will not receive maintenance or custodial service except by special arrangements, 经授权部门代表许可. "X" lock areas may be changed or removed if deemed necessary by the Key Control Officer and Chief of Police after a 10-day notice is given to the user group or governing department.  

V.  关键安全问题

1.  以保持锁的硬件兼容性, personal locks or noncompliant hardware may not be used to control access to University space.  

2.  Locks may not be changed without the prior approval of the appropriate department head and the Key Control Officer. A Work Order Request and Key Card (see 附录A) 必须 be submitted for this service. 未经授权的锁将被拆除,费用由部门承担.  

VI.  新钥匙

When departments move to new facilities, Facilities Management will provide a basic key set.  General fund supported departments will be provided a basic key set at no charge.  Non-general fund supported activities will be charged a nominal fee for provision of basic key set. A Work Order Request form and Key Request Card(s) 必须 be submitted for this service.  当收到新钥匙时,旧设施的钥匙必须上交. (见 附录A).

7.  额外的钥匙

设施管理处将收取额外钥匙费用. 获取其他键, the requesting department 必须 complete a Key Request Card (see 附录A) and submit it to the Key Shop. An authorized departmental representative and the Key Control Officer 必须 approve the key request. 钥匙申请卡必须包括要收费的机构号码.  

8.  桌子/文件密钥

申请办公桌钥匙或文件钥匙不需要钥匙请求卡. A Work Order Request Form 必须 be completed and submitted to the Work Control Center.

IX.  房间的访问

在正常营业时间(上午8点).m. - 5 p.m.) access to locked classrooms may be obtained by contacting the Office of the Registrar at Ext. 3470. For After Hours and Emergencies, contact the 十大菠菜台子 Police at Et. 3331.



附录A -十大菠菜台子-关键要求
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